ISER International Conference on

Diversification Trends in Business, Management Sciences, Economics, Culture & Language

November 09-10, 2019

Call for Academic and
Research Papers

ISER aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Business Management, Social Science and Economics. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the fields of Business Management, Social Science and Economics.

Important Dates

To avoid any inconvenience in attending conference, please pay attention to the deadlines.

  • 29 October, 2019
  • 29 October, 2019
  • 30 October, 2019

Conference Contact Details

Online Submission

Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit manuscript via submission system.

Registration Fee & Details

DescriptionEarly Bird Fee (USD)Standard Fee (USD)
All Participants / Faculty members / Professionals / Practitioners400500
Students (Please provide Student ID card)350400
Additional paper / Additional author300350
Attendee/ Speaker (Without paper presentation) 300350
Virtual Presentation 250300
* Please remember that registration is completed when the conference fee is paid.

Conference fee covers access to all Day 01 sessions, Coffee break & Lunch during the conference, and Conference Material. Authors/Attendees will receive the proceedings and the certificate of participation.

All other expenses of the Authors/Attendees are not covered within conference fee. Conference organizers and sponsors are not liable for any other unforeseen circumstances and will not mediate in any visa/travel/accommodation process due to varying bureaucratic policies of EU states.

Important Note

– Bank wire transaction charges are not covered by conference organizers.
– Must send your payment RECEIPT to the conference Email (
– The Students need to provide proof of student status.
– Conference fee is non-refundable.
– Please advise for your meal (Vegetarian/Non-Vegetarian) when sending registration confirmation.

Conference Program

Modes of Presentation


Oral Presentations

Oral contributions will be the main part of sessions at ISER conferences. Sessions will take place in parallel with duration of 90 minutes. Each session will contain six speakers and opportunities for in depth discussions. Please note that oral presentations should last no longer than 15 minutes (including 3 minutes for questions). Please be considerate to your fellow presenters and ensure you will not go over the presentation time limit – question and discussion time will be scheduled for each session, as well numerous social events to allow you more time outside of the sessions to share greater details according to your interests. Contributions submitted as an oral presentation may be accepted as a poster due to the limited amount of time slots available for presentation. If your contribution was accepted for an oral presentation, you will be invited to submit an extended paper for the conference proceedings.

Poster Presentation

Posters is an opportunity to attract interest for your research project and engage with fellow delegates throughout the whole conference, posters are an excellent way for presenters to focus on delivery of succinct, attention grabbing information in a visual format.

1) Dimensions: 36” (Height) x 25” (Width) inches (Maximum)
2) An effective poster is; focused on a single message.
3) Graphics, Lets graphs and images tell the story; uses text sparingly.
4) Keeps the sequence well-ordered and obvious.

Virtual Presentation

If you wish your paper to be published in ISER Publications, but you are not able to attend the Conference in person, you can register for a “virtual presentation”.

1) Virtual authors can submit a Power Point presentation
2) These presentations will be shared in the ISER conferences.
3) This virtual section will enable all participants to have access to all virtual presentations during and after the event.

Conference Venue
